Thought Castle

Writing a Grammar with ANTLR

30 Oct 2017
willow antlr

Originally, my plan for Willow was to write my own lexer and parser. I wanted the experience, custom control over everything, speed, etc. I still want those things. But I realized that there’s something far more important at this point in the development of Willow. That’s the ability for rapid prototyping of the grammar.

I started out writing a lexer, which was very straight forward. No issues. Then, when I began the parser, I realized that it was going to be slow and tedious to make small (what I wanted to be trivial) changes in the grammar. I still haven’t completely settled on how to write various constructs in Willow and I need to have the ability to easily implement those changes in the parser. So I scrapped what I wrote and…

I'm Writing a Programming Language

04 Oct 2017

It’s called Willow.

My goal is to write a language that I would enjoy using for every day programming. My hope is that other people will also.

At this point, the syntax of Willow is still actively changing, but currently it looks something like this:

Michael Kent

Michael Kent is a passionate developer who loves to create things.

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"The programmer, like the poet, works only slightly removed from pure thought-stuff. He builds his castles in the air, from air, creating by exertion of the imagination."
Fred Brooks